Groups Menu

Groups menu contains commands for creating and modifying (host) groups. Normal users can only list and view group details; all other commands are for administrator only.

Groups are used by hosts; they are used to specify common attributes for hosts. Normal users can only use groups that have same or lover privilege level than the user has. There are currently three different types of groups.

Group Types


Normal group is used to specify common DHCP and PRINTER entries for hosts.

DHCP class

This group is like normal group, but in DHCP configuration a class named after this group will be created and all hosts in this group will be "subclassed" into that class. This class can be used for example to allow only hosts in this group to use certain dynamic address pool.

Dynamic Address Pool

This group is used only for hosts (IPs) that belong to a certain IP address pool for a DHCP server. For each dynamic address pool for DHCP server, group of host entries that belong to this group should be created (IP addresses of these hosts don't necessarily have to be successive, but for each group a separate pool statement will be created in dhcpd.conf). When generating DHCP configuration, dynamic address pools are automatically generated for each group of this type. DHCP entries set for this group are put inside "pool" declaration in dhcpd.conf (these can be used to deny/allow certain classes of hosts to use this pool).

Show Groups

Show Groups command displays list of (host) groups defined for active server. To view details about a specific group, just click on it's name. To edit or delete a group use Edit or Delete buttons from the bottom of the screen when viewing a template.


Add command is used to create new (host) group for currently active server. This command is only available for administrator.